Give your recommenders plenty of time to complete and submit their forms and be sure to fill in your portions of those forms.
Observe all deadlines faithfully. Make every effort to avoid submitting your application at the last minute.
It is best to ensure that all application materials are sent by the deadline. However, if your application and application payment/fee waiver are submitted by the deadline, it is acceptable to have some of your supporting materials (transcripts, letters of recommendation, etc.) arrive within the following week.
Documents, Files, and Records
When completing the essay and short-answer portion of the online application, files cannot exceed 500 KB in size and should be in .doc, .docx, .wpd, .rtf, .xls, .pdf or .txt format. Mac users must save the file with the appropriate three-letter extension.
Please do not attempt to upload a document that is password-protected or contains macros.
Make copies of every portion of your application. Ask your recommenders to keep copies of their forms and letters.