Undergraduate Admission

Brown University and the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) offer a five-year Dual Degree Program for students who wish to combine study in the liberal arts with concentrated work in the fine arts. Dual Degree candidates complete approximately half of their course work at each institution and graduate with the A.B. or Sc.B degree from Brown and the B.F.A. degree from RISD.

To be considered for this program, you must apply to Brown and to RISD independently and submit the Brown|RISD Dual Degree Program supplement to each institution. Only students who have been admitted to both Brown and RISD will be considered for the Dual Degree Program. Not all combinations of majors at RISD and concentrations at Brown may be possible because of the rigorous demands of the Dual Degree Program. Brown’s Program in Liberal Medical Education (PLME) and RISD's Architecture major are not permitted within the Dual Degree Program.

Applications for the Dual Degree Program will only be considered during the Regular Decision process. You may apply to Brown Early Decision; however, if you are admitted you must subsequently submit a Regular Decision application to RISD and your application for Brown|RISD will not be considered until the spring. Given that Early Decision to Brown is a binding commitment, you are obligated to attend Brown even if you are not admitted to the Brown|RISD Dual Degree Program.

All athletic opportunities are available to Dual Degree students. Students may participate in intercollegiate varsity athletics at Brown while they are enrolled in the Dual Degree Program. Eligibility is governed by NCAA and Ivy League rules. In cases of conflict with academic scheduling, such as RISD Winter session, the academic program will take precedence over joining in the sport. Students interested in participating in intercollegiate varsity athletics should contact the Associate Director for Student Services in Brown’s Department of Athletics and Physical Education for further information.

Brown’s Program in Liberal Medical Education (PLME) combines undergraduate education and professional studies in medicine in a single eight-year program. The PLME is the only combined baccalaureate-MD program in the Ivy League, and one of the routes of admission to the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University.

A student applying Early Decision to the College and the PLME may be admitted in December to both Brown and the PLME. However, some students may be selected Early Decision for admission to Brown only and not the PLME. In this circumstance, the student will be bound by the Early Decision agreement to attend Brown regardless of non-acceptance into the PLME program. Those who apply Early Decision and are admitted to Brown and not to PLME will be reconsidered for the PLME during Regular Decision. Those students who do not want to be bound to Brown at Early Decision without being admitted to the PLME program are asked to apply through Regular Decision.

Students in the PLME program may study abroad, so long as they can still fulfill the requirements of the program.

Many students at Brown who are not enrolled in PLME pursue a pre-med focus during the undergraduate experience. Most Brown graduates who go on to successful careers in medicine were never enrolled in the PLME program. We offer extensive advising to students who are interested in continuing on to medical school after they graduate from Brown. In fact, students who graduate from Brown are admitted to medical school at a rate that is almost twice the national average.

The Resumed Undergraduate Education (RUE) Program is designed for undergraduate applicants who have been out of high school for six years or more and have no more than two years of prior college experience. This full-time program leads to an undergraduate degree from Brown. Students applying to Brown through RUE must submit their applications by March 1 for the following academic year. For more information, please visit the RUE Applicants webpage.

Admission to the RUE program is highly competitive, often with over 100 applicants for about 10 spaces in the incoming class. The RUE admission process takes into consideration both applicants' academic records as well as their non-academic accomplishments and life experience. Working parents, small business owners, activists, artists, entertainers and professional athletes are among those who have furthered their education and careers via RUE. Uneven or less strong academic performance in high school or in a previous college experience is not an automatic disqualifier; however, successful applicants demonstrate convincing evidence that they are now prepared for the academic rigor at Brown. The RUE application, including the financial aid application, is separate from the Common Application, and is available in the section for RUE applicants.